Friday, October 9, 2015

Purity Organic Green Lemonade

I know it looks gross, but don't judge it by its looks until you read this review. I picked this one up from a Target when passing through...Troy, Michigan? Somewhere in Michigan. The bottle set me back $2 and there were a few different types of this Purity Organic, but the green stuff really caught my eye.

Speaking of green stuff, the green comes from the kale, spinach and spearmint added to the beverage. Despite the greens, the aroma is mostly lemon and honey with just a hint of mint. The flavor is also heavy on the lemon...aaaand the honey towards the finish. Mint is present but mostly in the aftertaste and compliments the sour lemon finish with a chilly zing. This beverage is also quite sweet, more sweet than I expected. The honey and agave account for around 43 grams of sugar, which is a lot. The greens are there mostly for color and nutrients because I didn't really notice them.

The Green Lemonade is very refreshing and easy to drink, but the sweetness killed it a little for me. I had to get some water when I was done with this beverage.

Cost - $2
Taste - 8.5/10

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